Rachel Stewart Link Rachel Stewart – CoLab 1 Project

IMAGE: Mind Maps
IMAGE: Colour Research 1
IMAGE: Colour Research 2
IMAGE: Colour Research 3
IMAGE: The Code
IMAGE: Chemical Research and Code Changes
IMAGE: Experimentation 1
IMAGE: Experimentation 2
IMAGE: Collage Experimentation
IMAGE: Final Piece

With my project, my object was the Ballantyne’s Pipettes which were colour coded to represent different chemicals that would be applied to patients’ eyes before surgery, so I decided that I would redefine what the code represented to fit the theme of “Being Human”. I did this by researching all of the different colours that had been chosen for the pipettes and finding out their cultural significance and history which I then used to make a statement about each colour, throughout the project the code was refined and simplified to represent people’s numbness to our effect on nature and the hopes of people seeing more clearly what’s happening in nature. I did this by taking inspiration from the artist Jack Coulter who has synesthesia and “hears” colours to inform and influence the ways that I could mix colours to represent the mixing of the code and its meaning. I included collage into my work which I think made my work look unique and interesting as the layers of collage compliments the layers of colour that I used as a background.

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