Ronnel Caliwag Link Co-Lab1: Being Human

As part of Co-Lab 1 being human, the project is to design a small, simple, single-volume habitable space for my chosen client. The concept is to create a space using the specific needs of my client. I was inspired by the fidget spinner to design a space for a relaxing place for autism. A place where they can relax when they are feeling bad or upset. This design inspired me by the timber House-Sou Fujimoto in Japan.

My first concept is to create a symmetrical shape, and then I change it into octagonal shape, and this is a much wider space. The wall design inspired me the rock basalt column in Iceland, and I git inspired by the rock cave to design an interior using different sizes of timber. I was inspired to create an eye-catching view and a pleasant atmosphere for autism. The design of the ceiling inspired me by the GC Prostho Museum Research Centre in Japan. The purpose of this ceiling design is to break the sunlight. The floor is made of solid timber with four waves shape seating connected into the wall. In the middle, there is an indoor fountain with sensory lights that create a relaxing atmosphere, and this has a calming effect on autism.

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