16c ‘The Ground On Which We Stand’

IMAGE: A Stream
IMAGE: Snow Mountain
IMAGE: Jingwen Sun
IMAGE: Jingwen Sun
IMAGE: Jingwen Sun
IMAGE: Terra Firma
IMAGE: Tectonic Movements
IMAGE: A Basis for Collaboration
IMAGE: A World's Eye View
IMAGE: Lara Ritter Cruz
IMAGE: Lara Ritter Cruz
IMAGE: Lara Ritter Cruz
IMAGE: Lara Ritter Cruz

Our shared theme ‘The ground on which we stand’ served as the initial literal and metaphorical foundation for our photographic exploration of our local habitats on foot. We allowed our location to have an impact on our emotion and behaviour and guide our drifting routes. We were struck by the common themes that emerged in all of our work, despite the openness of our brief. Subliminally we had all produced images that reflected both the restrictions of current pandemic, and our need to achieve a greater experience of the beauty of the natural world, regardless of these limitations.

We continued to make connections in the scale and span of our work through our individual and collaborative pieces. Despite the lack of connectivity experienced by some of our group, we were determined to further explore our links to each other’s habitats and, in doing so, to an inaccessible world just beyond our grasp. We sought outward hopeful projection, despite inward personal restriction. Through the distortion of scale and perspective in our imagery we continued to play on this dichotomy, and placed additional emphasis on the expansive reach of our group, which existed across different time zones and continents.



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