10a Our Habitat

IMAGE: Designs

Our group looked at the theme ‘Our Habitat’ from a literal sense, we started our research by investigating our current surroundings. This was interesting as the four of us are in very different places due to the current circumstances. We began by focusing on the similarities and differences between our habitats. This led onto the idea of combining characteristics of all of our cities to create a road or series of streets. We tried different ways of illustrating this before settling on sketch up. Following on we felt it made sense to focus on our individual strengths so our two architecture students built the structures and our two fashion design students created the inhabitants of the street, using it as a runway to show the designs. This brought out our specialties and helped us collaborate in a way we all found enjoyable. We felt this aligned well with our overall concept of combining each others habitats to create something new and unique together. 


Our HABITAT 2020/21


Red Zone


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