Matilda Morgan Link R&T Colab1

IMAGE: Step card
IMAGE: Initial ideas
IMAGE: An image of what surgery using machinery looks like
IMAGE: Sketch of the final product
IMAGE: Finished product
MEDIA: R&T Colab1

With technological advances in robotics, surgeries were starting to be operated with robotic arms controlled by surgeons. This started to separate surgeons from the hands-on experience. Surgeons were beginning to no longer exercise their gifted hands during operations. As this technology became employed more frequently around the world, the majority of surgeons were having to use their hands less and less in the medical field and medical students had a lower standard of dexterity. Students throughout the years were having less and less hands-on experience. The question on people’s minds was “Could a surgeon still operate on a patient in the event of a machine malfunction?” The invention of the “dexterity glove” allowed surgeons to exercise the muscle groups in their hands, on the go. By strengthening the muscles in their hands, surgeons were able to maintain their dexterity for traditional surgeries. The glove was equipped with elastic that linked each finger to create tension when trying to fully spread their fingers which exercised the Interossei muscles, a sponge palm to squeeze, to exercise the Thenar muscle group, and a pocket that held small chopsticks. The practise of using these chopsticks imitated the delicacy needed during surgery.

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