Emilia Belderbos Link Identity

IMAGE: Archive research
IMAGE: Lectures and readings
IMAGE: 'Identity' inspiration
IMAGE: 'The body' inspiration
IMAGE: Vase shape, research and ideas
IMAGE: Vase link to 'the body'
IMAGE: Colours research
IMAGE: Pattern development
IMAGE: Final design idea
IMAGE: Final design

Looking at Helen and her collection of silver, I then researched into 2 designers from the collection (Ndidi Ekubia and Patrick Davison). I read Hannah Arendt’s reading, the 2 different meanings of us, ‘us’ and ‘everything’ where I thought about the contrast between our lives in public and private. The ‘Perfumatics’ lecture made me think how perfume is part of our identity’s. The ‘Designing ourselves’ reading suggested objects mean something to us, taking pictures of 3 objects around the house which have meaning to me. All of this gave me the idea of identity, especially between the public and the private; this includes social media, clothing, personality and objects; along with linking the literal parts which make us human (the body). I developed my project by making a vase in the shape of a perfume bottle, along with thinking which designs remind me of the body. I looked at the meaning of colour, linking each colour to public or private. The pattern designs use shapes which link to clothing and personality. Creating the vase, I used the outline shape of an old vase, changing the shape using acetate. I used the patterns to add detail to the vase.

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