Omar Said Link Flashbacks(Early Concepts) – Being Human Colab-1

IMAGE: Early Process - 3D Layout
IMAGE: Early Process - Abstract Ideas
IMAGE: Early Process
IMAGE: Becka - One of the Game's Characters
IMAGE: Animatic Example
IMAGE: Room Layout - Game Design
IMAGE: Loading...
IMAGE: Early Concepts - an example of a room's interior
IMAGE: Early Concepts - Game Explanations
IMAGE: The hints system - Early Concepts

The game is an experimental take on how an in-game character can interact with a player. You are presented with objects in which you have to click on and see how you progress while experiencing a narrative created by one of the game’s characters. It also challenges the player into thinking more about another person’s view of what it means to be human. Furthermore, it makes the player think about their role in the game and how they have impacted on the other characters. The player is also given hints of their backstory until it is finally revealed in the ending of the game if you answer the question correctly.

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